I contemplated it seriously. And then as swiftly as the cork pops free from the unscrewed muselet of a bottle of champagne, I discarded the thought of an Alcohol-free January.
Not drinking to begin a New Year is something I have done regularly over the years as the darkened winter months begin to pour slowly into Spring.
Not this year. Happy Hour is one of life’s little pleasures in these closeted days of Covid.
We’ve all given up so much these past months, close to a year now. Dining out, theater, travel, fitness classes, concerts.
I started 2021 without sugar and without bread. Enough additional deprivation.
Whether I’m alone or clinking a glass, virtually, across a six-foot space outdoors, my January will not be alcohol-free like it was last year pre-pandemic.
At least until I get a shot of the Pfizer brand…
Cheers! À votre santé, mon amie !
With Covid still an issue, my New Year is looking much the same 2020 with the exception of a Great Grandchild joining the family. Gary
Happy New Year! I too thought of giving up alcohol for January, but after having a glass of wine and thinking about it further decided it was the dumbest idea I'd had that day! One problem at a time is my approach - first Covid, then abstinence ! Or not!
Here's to a brighter, more sparkly 2021. Happy New Year.