"Sweet and Sour"
Yep, that's what I wrote about.
The submission instructions - unpublished fiction or nonfiction narratives based loosely around the theme of the current pandemic. Of the one-hundred fiction and non-fiction selections chosen, ten will be read at the event by professional actors.
Twenty-five judges selected the winners according to event organizers:
The San Diego Public Library, Write Out Loud,

Mine, a simple, shelter-in-place Pandemic story about a bottle of wine, some sweet and sour candy, and my next door son, was selected and will be featured at this year's Decameron Project event which happens Friday, February 26, 2021 at 7 p.m. Naturally, it's virtual, but also it's free - no charge.
The evening promises to be full of great stories and feature extraordinary story tellers. Alone or Friday night date, here's your free ticket - just click here to register.
About The San Diego Decameron Project: It takes its name from a book, “The Decameron,” written by Giovanni Boccaccio in Florence, Italy in about 1350, when Europe was being ravaged by the bubonic plaque known as the Black Death.

In the book, ten young people go into isolation in a villa near Florence and pass the time by telling stories, one per person per day, for a total of one-hundred tales.
It’s mostly escapist fare — they dance around the death that sent them fleeing — but the way they talk about other things, including love, fortune and willpower, illuminates the devastation.
If "The Decameron" intrigues you like it does me, there's a great article in Vogue Magazine from about six months ago that begins "Six Centuries Later, The Decameron is suddenly the book of the moment..." by Trish Hall.
And here's an added storytelling bonus:

Donna Ingham, three-time winner of the Biggest Liar in Texas crown, and I were big pals at Texas Tech University in Lubbock eons ago.
She is a mostly-retired college professor turned storyteller and author who captures what is quirky and iconic about the Lone Star state while passing on universal truths—but with a Texas twang.
She has written six books and five award winning spoken word CD’s to her credit and recently received the National Storytelling Network ORACLE Award for Regional Excellence as a story teller.
Without a doubt, Donna epitomizes what I love about Texas. Ours is a friendship that's big and grand and enduring. Treat yourself to her stories - Donna Ingham and her tall tales.
There's an art to storytelling y'all.
There's an art to storytelling and you, my friend, are a fine artist. Thank you for all your stories, including "Sweet and Sour." Congratulations on being included in the current day Decameron. See you at the event, virtually. xo
Bravo, my writing friend!
Wonderful and I look forward to the Project and hearing stories of your friend!!!!!!
Well done, as always...looking forward to the readings.
Well done, as always...made a reservation for the readings...can't wait.