The Twin Bill published today, the first day of the 2021 World Series. So many great baseball stories! Especially moving, the poignant letter from Scott Bonohan, editor, about Annie... Check it out here.

Happy Birthday Calvin.

His birthday each year is just days before the World Series begins.
Not certain which teams will play this year.
Am certain my oldest grandson is twenty-three years old today.
Puzzling over a gift, I defaulted to writing...
About him and a baseball game.
About his great-grandfather and a baseball game.
About me and two baseball games.
My essay, "Take Me Out Then and Now" will appear on the first day of the series, Tuesday Oct. 26 in The Twin Bill, a nonprofit literary baseball journal that aims to celebrate the rich past of the game as well as its vibrant present. The editor, Scott Bolohan, and staff at The Twin Bill publish fiction, poetry, essays, and interviews every quarter with the belief that everyone has a baseball story to tell.

Click here on the first
day of the series
Tuesday, Oct. 26 to
read my essay and a
World Series collection
of others like "Playing
Catch as Marriage Therapy,"
"Thievery: The Early Signs"
and "Tommy Johns Diaries:
Physical Therapy" plus
so many other great entries!
My father went to Baylor on a baseball scholarship. He never taught me to throw, but he did give me good advice over the years: Never do anything you are ashamed of. Someone will always remember and always tell. Never smoke a cigarette you did not buy yourself. Boys are just trying to get in your pants. Never drink the punch. I passed this right along to my daughter when she went to college. MM
Thanks for this one, Marilyn. I love to go to ball games, but seldom do. I think maybe going occasionally keeps the fun part alive. Look forward to reading your story in "The Twin Bill." Congratulations on the publication. Now PLAY BALL.