The need to convey the power of art returned to me a few days ago when I returned to what had been my home away from home for twenty years prior to the pandemic, The San Diego Museum of Art.
The last time I was there, just before Thanksgiving, I went to see a self-portrait by Rembrandt on loan the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Masked, of course.

This time I went, still masked, to see the work of a contemporary artist, an artist I know as a gracious and compassionate talent.

Her name is Marianela de la Hoz, and her work is featured in an exhibited titled Paintings from the Confinement.
Rembrandt’s self-portrait made an unforgettable impression on me at the midway point in my confinement. I wrote about it and the artist considered one of art history’s most important old masters. In case you missed it, click here.
Marianela’s paintings also left me kind of awe-struck.
The label quotes the artist:
“Looking in the mirror I began to question myself very seriously about what is the use of what I do, especially in moments like this, what is my contribution to society?”
My answer is simple. “Marianela, your art reassures and inspires me.”
Especially because you painted what you discovered during this confinement, which is what I have also discovered, saying this has been “a time to reevaluate and confirm that the only treasures I have are my loved ones, family, friends, and art…”
An afternoon, alone in a small gallery with your paintings deftly created with tempera paint and an unimaginably small brush, filled me up.
Art has the power to do just that.
Thank you, modern day master.

This may be my favorite, Marinela's self-portrait with her two grandchildren.
See more of her work here.
Thanks Marilyn, she is indeed a modern day master and I enjoyed the few paintings I saw...hope to see the whole exhibit soon. Maybe you can take me around.