· Angelina Jolie is brilliant as Maria. Oscar-worthy.
· As he claimed in the film, Aristotle was ugly and filthy rich.
· Startling but brief depiction of JFK.
· La Calla’s voice unparalleled
· La Angelina’s voice, close. She studied for seven months.
· No yachting with the Greek for me, even if you have an El Greco on board.
· Moving a piano looks easy but hurts the back.
· Is a collection of sculpted torso and head busts a built-in audience?
· What would social media, if it were available, have done with these people?
· Did all of Brangelina’s kids work on the film?
· Sex, drugs and no rock n’ roll.
· You gotta’ love opera.
· Angelina’s lips – supersized!
· Furs, jewels, incredibly large thick-rimmed glasses, leather gloves, silk scarves and winged eyeliner abounded in 1970s high society Paris
· Oh, to be that thin . . .
· I want - make that I NEED - that luxurious transcendent sweeping ivory-hued dressing gown hand-crocheted of wool and cashmere specialty yarns. Skillfully knitted in Rome in stitches that create a 3D effect, it is a work of art that I think would work just fine at my house. I need a new robe!

We opted to see Maria in the theater to better appreciate the music, but it shows on Netflix starting December 11.
Treat yourself to a dramatic soprano aria and a pepperoni pizza!
I really enjoyed it. I want all the clothes but where would I wear them? And I’d have to slim down at least 100 lbs
Havent' seen it yet, but it's on the TBS list. Thanks for the review in brief. I hope you get that lovely robe. Somehow "dressing gown" does sound more elegant. I hope you get that "dressing gown"