It was romantic.
It was bittersweet.
It was hectic.
It was hilarious.
It was heartwarming.
It was exhausting.
It was lonely.
It was intoxicating.
But more than anything, Christmas for me this year was utilitarian!
One of the best Christmases I can remember. In my whole life.
Three gifts. A gold, frankincense, and myrrh combo of practicality.
And need. Urgent and otherwise.
From true loves in my life, I was given a smart key fob, a windshield, and three knives.
The keyless entry fob to replace one lost when my purse was stolen almost a year ago.
The windshield replacement just in the nick of time as the crack in the current one inched its way from far right of the passenger side to middle of the steering wheel on driver side.

And three knives to replace the “junk” knives I have owned always.
The three Japanese knives, perfectly engineered for precision and sharpness, terrify me with their razor-sharp edges. But at the same time, entice me into new adventures in the kitchen!
No frills this Christmas at my house.
Instead, useful, functional, and thrilling Christmas presents.
Definition? Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.
I would argue that these utilitarian Christmas gifts which were lovingly bestowed on me, while useful and definitely practical, are also extremely attractive in the eyes of the recipient!
Your utilitarian gifts--at least the set of knives--ensure there'll never be a dull moment at your house. Not that there ever has been, I'm sure. Happy Holidays, Marilyn to you and all your beautiful, thoughtful family and loves.
I have one of those knives too. Excellent choice. I inherited mine from my Texas father, the chili cook-off champion. He used it to dice his round steak. I hope you'll love your knife. I hope you know to give a penny to the person who gifted you the knives so that they don't sever the relationship. I'm superstitious. Happy New Year!