The purpose of this blog post is a giant mushy thank-you to all you hopeless romantics who believe in fairy tales and their power and read my recently released second book, After Goya - A Mature-ish Fairy Tale. The one with the bright red cover!
And, an even bigger thank you to all who have written reviews. This is one of the best things you can do for a writer. (That and purchase, not loan, a copy of the book!)

This may be one of the most heartwarming reviews I've received about my new book.
Loved the photo of After Goya is such a cozy space.
And I especially liked the text message that accompanied the picture:
Finished & crazy for your story...not a fairy tale🥳 mp
Enough about my's what I'm reading and watching:
North Woods by Daniel Mason
I've always wanted to write a story about the house I grew up in which I affectionally call "The Green Goddess" and "215," the home I live in now. No wonder I am loving North Woods, a tale of a yellow house.
It begins with a pair of young lovers in colonial New England escaping wrathful judgment in their Puritan village and the foundation stone they lay at the chapter’s close, and the yellow house that comes to occupy the spot. I heartily recommend both reading and listening to the fabulous audio (I am doing both) of this whimsical, thought-provoking survey of American history told in a hodge podge of forms and genres.
Donna Ingham, my college roommate and one of Texas' greatest storytellers, is also a writer and I just got word that a piece of hers is featured in a new release Forty Years of Texas Storytelling available for pre-order at Amazon now!

Donna promises to regale us with the story at our upcoming Pi Phi reunion in Dallas in April. Here's the whole Texas Tech gang in San Antonio just before the pandemic. Me, fourth from left, back row with my hand on Donna's shoulder!

What I'm watching...
Astrid starring Sara Mortenson and Lola Dewaere on Amazon Prime
I'm late to the party this series which originated on PBS; now there are three seasons. Fascinating series - Astrid Nielsen works in the library of the judicial police. She has Asperger's syndrome. With an extraordinary memory, she excels at analyzing files of ongoing investigations. The district commander decides to use this incredible memory to the fullest, entrusting Astrid with very complex unsolved investigations. Series is in French with English subtitles, but doesn't hamper the enjoyment in the least!

American Fiction starring the amazing Jeffrey Wright
The last of the Oscar nominated films for me to see before the big event on the 10th, I loved this one so much. The 2023 film confronts our culture's obsession with reducing people to outrageous stereotypes. Wright stars as Monk, a frustrated novelist who's fed up with the establishment profiting from "Black" entertainment that relies on tired and offensive tropes. To prove his point, Monk writes an outlandish "Black" book of his own and this propels him to the heart of the madness he claims to disdain.
I bought the film last weekend, but I'm told it will be available to rent for $4 or $5 starting a few days into March.

That's is for February. Enjoyed this extra day. Looking forward to Women's History Month coming up! Will be doing a Women in Art Tour Friday at 1pm at The San Diego Museum of Art. Would love to see you there! Will definitely talk about this woman!
