Yesterday, I totally wasted the day.
Amazingly, it felt good.
I didn’t want to do anything. I didn’t want to work a to-do list. I didn’t want to zoom with anybody. I didn’t want to cook or clean or collect dust bunnies.
I wanted to do nothing.
I didn’t want to pay bills. Or work on taxes. Or take my blood pressure or count my steps.
I wanted to shut my eyes to news and controversy. I wanted to silence the alerts and dings. I wanted to be still.
I was still yesterday.
It felt good.
I wandered throughout the day. Into a closet. Into the garden. Into the guest room.
I wondered throughout the day. About our nation. About my friend’s health. About the curious smudge on the back of my off-white sweater.
I wished for visits from faraway friends. I wished for a quiet romantic dinner. I wished for wind-free weather.
On reflection, I don’t think I wasted a day yesterday.
I withdrew. I re-booted. I centered myself.
This feels very good.
I did NOT waste a day yesterday.
Ah, sigh. So hard for me to do. Thanks for showing me how you do it. PS You've been on my mind lately. Thinking about Galentine's Day and the delightful celebration of last year.
I love it. Had a few of those days lately.